a shrine dedicated to my kitties!


name: dandelion
nicknames: dandy, dandiss, miss dandy, dandis-da-mandis, bitch
age: ~2 y/o
gender: male female
birthday: april 1st
likes: minnows, wet food paté, human foods, eating foam, birdwatching, digging in the garbage, drinking from the bathroom faucet
dislikes: being held, being pet, anyone touching her, loud noises, anything we do in the house
special talent: sneazing on everyone


name: goobie goobersons II
nicknames: goobs, mister goobersons, goopies, gooby-schmoopy, mister hungry, mister chumbus
age: ~5 y/o
gender: male
birthday: april 1st
likes: cat food, human food, food in general, catnip, pets, cuddling, chin scratches, sleeping, yelling at people when they don't feed him
dislikes: not having food
special talent: being really, really cute

i got dandy when she was about 2 weeks old from one of my neighbors. she came to me with an infected eye and an upper respritory infection. i hadn't cared or had a cat for a couple years after my last cat went missing, so i thought i might as well save this kitten.
little did i know how much of a menace she would be. (kidding... kind of lol)

i was told by the person who gave me dandy and by my initial vet that dandy was a girl, only for my next vet to tell me she was in fact a boy. it didn't matter though, since me and everyone else who knew dandy got used to calling her, well, her! trans cat!

she's such a funny looking cat. i always try to take ugly pictures of her. i am one of those people who's entire picture roll on their camera thats filled with their cats.

a (not so) fun fact is that dandy has herpes. she's very sneazy and if i don't give her kitty medicine to her then she will sneeze boogers on you.

mister goobers came into our lives later on when i moved in with my partner! we don't know where he came from, but the rescue that we got him from assumed he used to be a house cat because of how sweet and loving he is.

he really is so sweet. i cant emphasize to you how much of a sweet kitty he is!

though, just cause hes a sweet cat doesnt mean he doesnt get into trouble! when i say he likes food, i mean he really likes food! he will dig in the garbage or try and steal food from your plate if you're not careful.